Knowing your winter weather alert terms can keep you safe

Updated on March 1, 2024

2-minute read

Knowing your winter weather alert terms can keep you safe

Updated on March 1, 2024

2-minute read

Gasoline portable generator with canisters. Mobile backup standby generator.
Gasoline portable generator with canisters. Mobile backup standby generator.
Gasoline portable generator with canisters. Mobile backup standby generator.

Weather outlook, weather watch, weather warning, weather advisory – you’ve heard them all, but what’s the difference?

Environment and Climate Change Canada issues weather alerts to keep the public safe. They’ll send an alert if there are severe winter weather conditions, ranging from heavy snowfall or freezing rain, extreme cold and wind chill, to major storms. Sometimes, the alert will mention a combination of these hazardous conditions.

Understanding the meaning of these weather alert terms can help keep your family and home safe in harsh winter weather. We’ve provided this chart so you can understand the meaning and significance of each alert and the precautions to take when you hear or see them.

Alberta winter weather alerts

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